Our Projects
Energy Asset & Business Management
Energy resources transactions - large market size
Energy resources data is fragmented, residing in physical media such as analog tapes, paper and multiple databases.
Implementation of a business development platform can help maximize asset data integrity and enable digital workflows for asset rationalization, accelerated deal flow and timely asset reallocation.
Our Approach
Technology collaboration with a U.S. onshore natural gas resource player.
Proprietary architecture includes visualization, database and expert system for data consolidation, visualization and analysis.
Web-based Proof-of-Concept demo with data consolidated from multiple sources in a virtual data room.
Machine-readable Digital Contracts
Business contracts typically lack uniformity. Their state poses missed opportunities as they contain data-entitlement, obligations, liabilities—core to formalize relationships between parties.
Adoption of digital technologies is transforming contracts from static files to dynamic data—creating more collaborative, data-driven documentation.
New contract “data models” would drive productivity via automation, eliminate human error, and improve process efficiency and consistency.
Our Approach
Build on Seismic Data Entitlement project.
Technology collaboration with Imperial College London (UK), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computing.
Proprietary architecture ​includes translation of digitalized contracts (e.g. pdf) to simplified text, use of syntax tree and machine learning (artificial intelligence), and conversion to software code.
Ongoing feasibility study for digital workflow with ​proof-of-concept demo in Q1-2023.2023.
Multi-client Seismic Data Entitlement
Multi-client seismic market valued at $2.5 billion in 2019.
Multi-client seismic data is fragmented, residing in physical media such as analog tapes, paper and databases.
Implementation of digital technologies can help maximize seismic data integrity, traceability and contract compliance across the industry.
Our Approach
Technology collaboration with Imperial College London (UK), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computing.
Proprietary architecture includes visualization, database and expert system for managing data entitlement states.
Web-based Proof-of-Concept demo: multiple surveys and company states subject to contractual terms and conditions.
Digital Catalog Management for MRO e-Procurement
Industrial maintenance, repair and operations of machinery and equipment (MRO) industry valued at $730 billion in 2022.
MRO parts data is highly fragmented, mostly residing in supplier catalogs, databases, and on paper.
Implementation of digital technologies enable optimization of e-procurement, resulting in improved financial controls, process compliance, and cost savings.
Our Approach
Technology collaboration with a major global EPC in the Energy & Resources industry and a Europe-based software developer.
Proprietary software architecture includes data harvesting, visualization, analytics and automated workflows.
iCaravel Digital Catalog Platform* and associated services were launched in 2022; several pilot projects underway.
(*) iCaravel Digital Catalog Platform is a trademark of iCaravel.