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Legal Notice

Date of last revision to legal notice: July 9, 2024


Your privacy is important to us. The privacy statement below establishes the terms of data privacy for users of the iCaravel Inc. website.


In case visitors to our website have any questions related to this legal notice, please contact us via email:



  1. This website belongs to the company iCaravel Inc. with registered offices at 10414 Charter Lake Cir, Katy, TX 77494 United States of America (USA).

  2. iCaravel Inc. can be contacted via email

  3. iCaravel Inc. is a consultancy firm on business, management, expansion and modernization of industrial, commercial and service companies.

  4. iCaravel Inc. and this website is governed by the laws of Delaware, USA.

  5. These terms and conditions apply to the present website and all forms of digital presence of iCaravel Inc., which may include other websites, landing pages, apps and/or profiles on social networks.

  6. When browsing this website or other forms of digital presence of iCaravel Inc., the user accepts these terms and conditions, and undertakes to comply with them.

  7. The use of this website or any other form of digital presence of iCaravel Inc. by any user in violation of these terms and conditions or the terms and conditions applicable on the platforms or social networks where the digital presence of iCaravel Inc. exists, entitles iCaravel Inc. to prosecute the user or to restrict or block the user, avoiding the use of the website or digital presence whose terms and conditions have been violated.

  8. These terms and conditions can be unilaterally and freely amended by iCaravel Inc.

  9. The content and information made available on this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute consulting or advice on investments and/or legal or tax obligations. No information contained in this website is intended to constitute a proposal, an offer or a request to buy or sell investments of any kind and in any jurisdiction, nor is it intended to recommend any type of investment or transaction.

  10. The information made available on this website may not be updated or may become out of date due to legislative changes, and iCaravel Inc. assumes no responsibility for updating the content provided.

  11. iCaravel Inc. assumes no liability for any loss or damage or liability of any kind that may arise or arise from the use of the informational content on this website.

  12. The browsing of this website and the use of the information contained therein is of the sole responsibility of the user, regardless of the purpose it pursues. The user is responsible for obtaining adequate legal advice before starting any investment process, and iCaravel Inc. strongly advises that any investor or potential investor obtains such advice in advance.

  13. The content, structure, programming code, images, videos, layout and design of this website, other websites, landing pages or computer applications of iCaravel Inc. are intellectual property of iCaravel Inc. and may not be copied, reproduced or shared without the express and written authorization of iCaravel Inc.

  14. The sharing of informative articles or posts from this website, other websites, landing pages, computer applications or profiles of the social networks of iCaravel Inc. is allowed, provided the respective source is mentioned, as well as the identification of iCaravel Inc.

  15. iCaravel Inc. is not responsible for third party’s content that becomes accessible through hyperlinks included on this website. iCaravel Inc. does not exercise any control over the content, products and services offered by third parties through the links found on this website.

  16. The iCaravel brand and logo are the industrial property of iCaravel Inc. and cannot be used, copied, reproduced or used by third parties.

  17. The iCaravel brand cannot be used by third parties in meta tags, hidden text or as a keyword or descriptive of ads or digital advertising (including Google Adsense).

  18. iCaravel Inc. does not collect personal data through this website, other websites, landing pages, or computer applications of iCaravel Inc.


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